Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Unit 1: Sun

Unit 1 is all about the letter Ss and the Sun. We learned that Jesus is the light of the world and without light we are in the darkness. We tried to walk in a pitch black closet room unsuccessfully. The sun's light is important to all of life just as Jesus is important to all of life. We read the parable of the man blind from birth and how Jesus healed him. Then we blindfolded each other to pretend we were blind and cried out to Jesus for help. This really helped solidify the concept and Caleb loved acting out the scene. I included acting out the scene on my own and since it was a hit we will do more.

This is Caleb's painting of the sun. He was asked to paint a round circle with yellow and orange rays coming forth to reinforce the math concept of patterns.

Caleb made a sun badge with the words Jesus is the light of the world. The next time you see him ask him what it means. He'll tell you!

Oh no, the grapes are gone! We put out a few seedless grapes to make raisins. Caleb decided he could not wait and just had to eat them.

Another neat project we did was make a sun dial. This kept getting delayed because of the terrible winds we were having hence all the rocks around our sturdy piece of cardboard. We were learning about shadows.

Math includes a 100 day chart. Here we are on day six. Caleb writes in the numbers. When we get to the end we will have a celebration. I was thinking of giving him 100 marbles. Any other ideas?

Caleb is learning the days of the week and months. He writes in the number and then he completes the pattern. Here we have blue circle, yellow circle, blue square, yellow square, and so on. This is part of his math.

Caleb is learning to print his numbers and letters. Looks pretty good. I have extra sheets for him to work on printing is practiced a couple of times per week.

We danced to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite (Russian Dance). Not surprisingly this went over very well with Caleb. He loves to sing and dance and pretend he is playing drums or guitar.

Here are a few books we checked out from the library for our daily read aloud's. We also read through the junior edition of Pilgrim's Progress before bedtime. I love Pilgrim's Progress and plan to purchase it soon.

In Elemental Science we learned about solids and liquids. Caleb made crayon cookies and learned that crayons need more heat to become a liquid. Later we enjoyed a fudge popsicle and talked about the heat from our mouth melting the popsicle.

Here Caleb choose five different items: cheese, brown sugar, fish crackers, toffee bits, and brown rice to see which would melt. He predicted they would all melt. The winner is cheese! Nothing else melted. I was surprised the brown sugar became hard and smelled like the oven was burning.

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