Monday, August 19, 2013

Unit 10: Water

Unit 10 is all about the letter Ww and water. Words to remember are "Jesus gives my spirit living water to drink". We talked about being thirsty after playing hard outside or eating a salty food, which makes us thirsty for water. Our bodies need water to live. Our spirit gets thirsty too and needs living water or we become dead. Jesus is our living water and as long as we ask Jesus to nourish our bodies he will and any forgetfulness on our part and the spirit begins to die.  
 Caleb practicing writing the letter Ww and the number zero and ten. The second page I dictated three words /dad/, /mom/, and /sun/. He must listen hard to hear the middle vowel sound and still guesses. The beginning and ending letters he doesn't seem to have a hard time with.
 Letter sound discrimination page is a breeze. On the second page I cover up all words except those I am asking him to look at and recognize when I say them out loud. He was getting everything confused when I did not do that.
 His first sight word /the/. Since he has seen all of the other words previously he is better able to recognize them and say them out loud. Sam and dad were mixed up, but that was an easy fix. Caleb does not like to make mistakes so I am always telling him "mistakes are OK, you learn from your mistakes" someday he will believe me.
The math page he was supposed to trace pennies, dimes, and nickles. However, since I know tracing is frustrating for him he just drew me circles to represent the money and he still got the concept. It's a bit hard to see the pictures he drew for the letter Ww, but picture number 3 is my favorite water ski's. He did a great job on that one.
In science Caleb learned about liquids, solids, and gases. He favorite was when he got to measure water, put in a pan, place it on the stove to heat watching the steam as the water boiled then after five minutes measuring how much liquid was left. Made for a great conversation.

Here Caleb is putting salt and oil in water to see if it will dissolve. We talked about how oil doesn't dissolve or mix with water it just floats even after several attempts at mixing. Another great conversation not to mention tasting the mixtures was interesting. Caleb wanted to do that on his own.

Although the curriculum comes with a single math page he has a separate book to work from daily. Currently, he is working through recognizing shapes. He is such a math wiz.
 We finished the week reading Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. A wonderful book that we have read before. We discussed why the ducks needed to live by the water.

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