Monday, September 9, 2013

Unit 13: Cow

Unit 13 is all about the letter Cc and cows. Caleb learned that in order for him to grow in his salvation he must learn to crave pure spiritual milk (the word of God) like a newborn baby. What a great lesson for me too. I must foster a love for learning in him. The words to remember this week were "God's Word helps me grow."
Caleb tried to memorize The Purple Cow poem by Gelett Burgess. We didn't put enough work into the memorization. I had to trace the cow badge and then let him color it purple which worked out great for the both of us.
Handwriting page. He is still working on placing his letters in the correct location.
Sound discrimination page. He can do this independently now. No help from mom.
The math page is a little challenging this week. He had to circle more than 2 cows and less than 3 cows. I am not sure he got the concept.
Cut and paste page. I review any words he has trouble with and then he pastes onto the page. He is still figuring out how to sound out words. He loves to get in a hurry just to have the activity over with and wants me to just tell him the word. I resist the request and tell him to sound it out.
Dictation page. He is getting better at identifying the middle vowel sound now and has started the good habit of repeating the word to himself so he can hear the sounds.
Cut and paste page 2. I love how Caleb tries to read these one his own before he asks for help.
Caleb's drawing of a cow, cooking, can and a comb. Someday he'll include more color.
We read a ton of books related to cows. Ferdinand came with program and was cute. However, if you want a book both you and your child will love try Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type. Written by a lawyer it was a favorite by both of us. Cows go on strike then the chickens refuse to lay eggs. The farmer demands milk and eggs, but not without an ultimatum. Oh, and the ducks get in on the action too. This is a keeper and one I plan to add to my personal library.

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