Monday, September 16, 2013

Unit 14: Horse

I've debated the last few weeks whether I should keep the same pace or speed it up. I am wanting to go straight into My Father's Worlds (MFW) 1st grade curriculum. I am not certain starting the 1st grade program after the new year will give us enough time to finish everything before the regular school schedule starts in August 2014. Next year when I legally have to inform the state of my decision to homeschool we will belong to a homeschool group that will maintain all of our records and sessions start at the same time as public school. Additionally, Caleb is an only child and we get through a days work quickly and he has mastered the art of sitting and doing his work with little to no complaining. From now on you will see us completing 2 units in one week. I have found Caleb is more than capable of getting the work done especially since he knows school is not optional. Monday's/Tuesday's and Thursday's/Fridays we will complete MFW lessons. Wednesday's he will go to Learning Planet K-5 program while I go to women's bible study. We should be finished in 5 to 6 weeks and I am excited. Now for the review.

Unit 14 in all about the letter Hh and horses. Caleb learned one of my favorite bible passages for children; Children, obey your parents in everything for this pleases the Lord. Colossians 3:20 NIV. Once trained, a well-behaved horse obeys right away with no hesitations. God wants us to do the same. We learned how Noah obeyed Gods command immediately while Jonah tried to run away and suffered the consequence of his disobedience.
Just beautiful. I am well pleased with his writing.
Finally, he agreed to color the pictures starting with the letter sound. I would get confused between his x marks and check marks.
Cut and paste page. The word hill was challenging for him. So we worked through sounding it out.
  Math page distinguishing between heaviest and lightest and largest to smallest. After a series of questions the smallest horse had to end up in the barn.
Cut and paste page 2. We reviewed the sentences together and then he pasted them in the right spot.
Dictation page. His writing is difficult to see, but it is beautiful near perfect. I couldn't praise him enough for a well job done.
I love all the review and repetition of words. Caleb's ability to recognize and read words grows daily.
We read Fritz and the Beautiful Horses. Such a delightful book. We read a couple of books from the library too selections were poor this time.
 Caleb had to compare a horse and car identifying all the differences. It was neat to see in one of our books fire fighting horses that pulled the equipment unlike our motorized fire trucks of today. Caleb loves fire fighters and believes he will be one in the future. We were also supposed to make a clay model of a horse. That turned out to be a dud and scrapped the project.

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